Test Connecticut

Last Updated August 10, 2017

blue line separating title and "Human Resources from Hiring to Retiring"

Agency Information

Connecticut Department of Revenue Services – Withholding Tax

  • Visit the Website
  • 860-297-5962
  • Account ID Format: 1234567-999 or 12345678-999

Connecticut Department of Labor, Employment Security Division – Unemployment tax

  • Visit the Website
  • Employer Status Unit: 860-263-6550
  • General information: 860-263-6000
  • Account ID Format: 1234567

Add to existing company setup

Submit a request to your service team to add CT (withholding) and/or CTSUI  (unemployment) to your company setup.  Please include the below with your request:

Connecticut Department of Revenue Services

Withholding – Deposit Frequency and Account number.  If you’re unsure of your deposit frequency or account number, you can call the agency at 860-297-5962.

Connecticut Department of Labor, Employment Security Division

Unemployment – Tax rate and Account number.  This can be found on a Tax Rate Notice or the Quarterly contribution report.  If you’re unsure of your tax rate or account number, you can call the agency at 860-263-6550.

Power of Attorney – POA is required, please obtain the prefilled form from your client service representative.

Register a new company

Connecticut Department of Revenue Services

Register online at http://www.ct.gov/drs/cwp/view.asp?a=1509&q=266240. Select Register a New Business Online, and follow the prompts. You will receive a temporary account number, please Do Not provide this number to your service team. You will receive your permanent CT Tax Registration Number and tax deposit frequency within 7 – 10 business days.

Connecticut Department of Labor, Employment Security Division

Register online at https://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/uitax/txmenu.htm and follow the prompts. You should receive your CT Unemployment Number instantly, followed by a confirmation letter in the mail within 7 days.

Third Party Registration and/or Power of Attorney Instructions

Power of Attorney is required, please obtain the prefilled form from your client service representative.